Sabtu, 19 November 2011

Download FL Studio 10

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FL Studio 10 adalah software musik yang lengkap, populer dan menarik di dunia produksi musik. Dengan pembangunan yang berkelanjutan & fokus. Segala yang Anda butuhkan dalam mengembangkan musik berkualitas profesional seperti menyusun, mengatur, merekam, mengedit, mencampur dan menguasai musik ada dalam satu paket. FL Studio 10 adalah cara tercepat dalam meyalurkan inspirasi musik dari otak Anda ke speaker Anda.

telah mengembangkan FL Studio selama lebih dari 12 tahun sampai sekarang. Kompatibilitas, konektivitas dan standar produser atau musisi sangat diperhatikan. FL Studio dapat memainkan file sampel (WAV), dengan plugin yang dapat dijalankan seperti (synthesizer software, VSTi & DXi) atau instrumen MIDI. Anda dapat menciptakan WAV, MP3, OGG atau lagu MIDI, atau loop hanya dalam waktu beberapa menit.

Apa yang terbaru dari FL Studio 10?
  • 64 bit plugin support – The Wrapper now automatically detects 64 bit plugins and opens them in 64 Bit ‘Bridged’ mode (see below).
  • ‘New pattern’ (+) button – On the Channel Window / Step Sequencer. Add a Pattern and open the naming window.
  • Small scrollbars in editors – Smaller scrollbar for the Piano roll, Event Editor, Playlist etc. See F10 > General Settings.
  • Horizontal zoom – Improved Playlist, Piano roll & Event Editor.
  • Improved memory management – Two changes have been made to lower demands on FL Studio’s memory allocation. 1. 32 & 64 Bit VST plugins can be opened in ‘Bridged’ mode. The maximum memory available to the plugin will be at least 2 Gb for 32 Bit Windows and up to 192 Gb depending on your version of 64 Bit Windows. 2. Audio Clips & Sampler Channels Keep on disk option now opens the sample in a separate memory allocation. Each Audio Clip / Sampler Channel can now load a sample of at least 2 Gb for 32 Bit & 64 Bit Windows versions.
  • Improved audio options – ASIO: ‘Mix in bufferswitch’ and ‘Triple buffer’ may improve performance with some ASIO drivers. ASIO/Primary Sound: Revised ‘Playback tracking’ options to help with alignment of visual & recorded events where soundcard problems exist.
  • Autosave / Autobackup – FL Studio can now be set to back up the current project at 5 to 15 minute intervals. Never lose project data again!
  • FL Studio Fruity Edition – Now gains access to Playlist Pattern Clips for unlimited scoring and automation flexibility.
Free Download FL Studio 10Download
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